As a certified PRYT instructor, women's coach, and new mother of one with two bonus children, I am dedicated to guiding and supporting you through your pre and postnatal journey towards a transformed life.

My Mission 
In the heart of my Bump, Baby, and Beyond journey, I'm dedicated to nurturing pregnant parents with the wisdom and care needed for a harmonious pregnancy and a resilient postpartum recovery. My aim is to lighten the load of expectations and guide you through these transformative times with ease and confidence. With a compassionate approach, I offer essential knowledge and resources to minimize complications and enrich your well-being. Together, let's navigate this precious chapter, focusing on what's truly significant—the health, joy, and blossoming bond between you and your little one. Embrace this journey with me, as we pave a path of wellness and joy for you and your growing family.
"Within every phase of motherhood, there lies a strength waiting to be discovered, a bond waiting to deepen, and a journey waiting to be embraced with love, patience, and grace." Anacani Walters
Embracing Motherhood's Journey: The Transformative Power of Yoga from Conception to Parenthood
Yoga, in its essence, is a powerful journey of connection and transformation, especially profound during the stages of motherhood—from conception through to the nurturing phases of early parenthood. It's not just about adapting poses for pregnancy; it's a holistic path that enriches this transformative time with deepened self-awareness, physical harmony, and emotional bonding.

In every phase of motherhood, yoga offers a sanctuary for mothers to align with their changing bodies, embrace their evolving roles, and cultivate an intimate bond with their babies. From the first flutter of life within to the strength found in childbirth, and into the tender moments of early parenting, yoga serves as a guide, teaching invaluable skills for managing the physical and emotional shifts that come with motherhood.

Thus, the essence of yoga in motherhood is not just in the physical practice but in the profound journey of discovery, connection, and empowerment it offers, guiding mothers through the beautiful, tumultuous journey of bringing life into the world and nurturing it with love, strength, and grace.

Your Guided Journey Through Motherhood
Welcome to Your Sanctuary of Support and Empowerment
As you navigate the ebbs and flows of womanhood, know that you are not alone on this journey. From the aspirations of conception to the joys and challenges of motherhood, my holistic services are designed to support, empower, and inspire you every step of the way. 

Below, you'll find tailored paths that resonate with your current phase of motherhood. Whether you're embracing the changes of pregnancy, cherishing postpartum life with your baby, or nurturing your fertility journey, I offer a compassionate space and expert guidance tailored just for you.
Dive into the sections below to discover the services that speak to your heart's desires and needs. Each path is a doorway to specialized support, designed to guide you with grace, strength, and joy through the transformative stages of motherhood. 

Let's walk this path together, illuminating your journey with knowledge, connection, and holistic wellness.
"Every kick, every flutter, is a whisper of the heart-to-heart conversation between 
you and your baby.." Anacani Walters
Maternity: Embrace Your Transforming Body and Soul
Nurture Your Pregnancy with Prenatal Yoga and Coaching
Embark on a journey of deep connection and holistic wellness during one of the most transformative times of your life. Our Maternity services, including prenatal yoga classes and personalized coaching, are designed to support you as your body nurtures new life. Learn how to harmonize your physical changes with emotional well-being, creating a serene space for both you and your baby to flourish. Let us guide you through each breath and stretch, empowering you with strength, confidence, and tranquility. Click to discover a supportive community and expert guidance tailored to your pregnancy journey.

"The postpartum journey is a testament to a mother's strength and her endless capacity for love."

Postpartum: Rediscover and Rejuvenate With Your Little One
Bond and Heal with Baby and Me Yoga and Coaching
The Postpartum phase is a time of rediscovery and healing. Our Baby and Me yoga classes and coaching offer a sanctuary for you to strengthen the bond with your baby while reclaiming your sense of self. Experience the joy of movement and relaxation together, learning practices that soothe and energize both mother and child. Through gentle postures and mindful coaching, we'll help you navigate this new chapter with grace, building a foundation of lasting well-being for your growing family. Click to learn more about embracing the beauty of motherhood together.

Transformative Yoga: A Journey Beyond the Mat

Discover yoga that transcends the ordinary, tailored specifically for the journey of womanhood. My unique approach blends the latest in women's health research with the ancient wisdom of yoga, offering a program that nurtures not just the body, but the mind and spirit too. 

Unlike the yoga you might find for free online, each session is crafted to meet the specific challenges and triumphs of fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery. Beyond poses, this is a holistic wellness journey, enriched by a supportive community where deep connections flourish. 

Expect personalized guidance and a holistic approach to your wellness, where every class is more than just yoga—it's a step towards balance, strength, and harmony in your journey into motherhood.

What to Expect with My Coaching

💗 Personalized Guidance: Tailored strategies and support, focusing on your individual health, lifestyle, and motherhood goals.
🪻 Holistic Wellness Integration: A comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, leveraging the power of yoga, mindfulness, and nutrition.

With my coaching, you're not just attending yoga classes; you're joining a nurturing community committed to your growth, wellness, and joy through every stage of womanhood.

Empower Your Pregnancy Journey: Prenatal Yoga for All Trimesters
Get Ready for a Healthy Pregnancy and Smooth Recovery
Elevate your pregnancy experience with comprehensive prenatal yoga. Integrate yoga seamlessly, boost self-esteem, and enhance well-being throughout your journey. Access full-length prenatal classes, guided meditations, breathing exercises, and more!

"Within every phase of motherhood, there lies a strength waiting to be discovered, a bond waiting to deepen, and a journey waiting to be embraced with love, patience, and grace." Anacani Walters
Early Motherhood: Embracing the First Year
Navigating the Waters of Early Motherhood
The journey of motherhood deepens as you step into the early months of nurturing your newborn. This sacred time is filled with profound changes, both for you and your baby. As you both grow and adapt, the need for support, understanding, and self-care becomes paramount. Our Early Motherhood section is designed to guide you through these transformative days with compassion, providing resources that honor your physical recovery, emotional well-being, and the evolving bond with your child.

"Fertility is not just a journey to parenthood but a path to discovering your own 
strength and resilience." Anacani Walters
Fertility: Cultivate Your Path to Parenthood
Nourish Your Fertility Journey with Specialized Coaching
Your journey to parenthood begins with cultivating a fertile ground, both physically and emotionally. Our Fertility coaching is designed to support you in enhancing your holistic health, creating an optimal environment for conception. Discover personalized strategies and compassionate guidance that honor your unique path to becoming a parent. Whether you're just starting to explore your options or have been on this path for a while, our coaching services offer insights, encouragement, and a nurturing community. Click to explore how we can support your dream of parenthood.

Now Offering
Labor Prep and Essential Oils Workshop
Join me once a month for a beautiful workshop that includes Labor Prep Prenatal Yoga and Essential Oils Presentation for Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond! This workshop is open to all trimesters but focuses on the second and third trimesters. Each workshop will start with a 30-minute Prenatal Labor Prep yoga practice where we will explore and learn poses and resources to use during labor. The workshop continues into a presentation of how to safely incorporate essential oils as part of your pregnancy journey. You will learn:
  • Which oils are safe to use to during pregnancy to naturally treat common symptoms?
  • Essential oils and recipes for common birthing symptoms and situations.
  • You will learn how to use essential oils to set the tone for your birthing experience.
  • BONUS: You will receive a list of our Essential Oil must-haves in your labor bag!
We finish the workshop by guiding you in making a DIY Essential Oils Labor *gift to take home with you! Join us as we celebrate the beauty of pregnancy through the community to create a beautiful birthing experience!
*DIY projects may vary from month to month and based on supplies.
Boost Pregnancy Body Acceptance

Learn Pre and Postnatal Safe Poses

Using Essential Oils Beyond Birth

"As a pregnant woman, I found the prenatal yoga class to be a wonderful experience. Anacani was knowledgeable and provided modifications for each pose to accommodate different stages of pregnancy. The pace of the class was slow and gentle, which allowed me to connect with my body and my growing baby. The breathing exercises and meditation were particularly helpful in reducing my anxiety and promoting relaxation. I also appreciated the opportunity to connect with other expectant mothers and share experiences. Overall, I highly recommend this class for any pregnant woman looking to maintain a healthy mind and body during pregnancy."

 Are you considering a natural birth? Wondering how to prepare your body and mind for the experience? Get my FREE comprehensive guide! 

"Attending the baby and me yoga class was a great way for me to bond with my infant while getting some exercise. The instructor was excellent at creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for both mothers and babies. The class included a mix of gentle yoga poses, baby massage, and interactive activities, such as singing and playing with toys. The class provided a great opportunity to socialize with other moms and babies, and I appreciated the sense of community that developed. Additionally, I found that the class helped to improve my baby's sleep and digestion. Overall, I highly recommend this class to any new mother looking for a fun and relaxing activity to share with her baby." 



Copyright Anacani Walters 

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