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Welcome to the Paddle Forward Podcast
Where we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. 
I'm delighted to be your guide as we navigate the currents of life with grace and intention.

In each episode, I dive deep into the realms of motherhood, mindfulness, creativity, entrepreneurship, and the transformative practices of yoga and SUP instruction. I believe that by exploring these diverse aspects of life, we can uncover new insights, ignite our inner fire, and paddle forward towards a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

Through insightful conversations, you'll gain wisdom and inspiration to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way. I'm providing empowering affirmations that remind you of your innate strength and guide you to embrace the power of the present moment.

But it doesn't stop there. I'll also embark on transformative practices like yoga nidra and meditation, allowing you to tap into your true potential and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. These practices are not just exercises for the body and mind; they are pathways to self-discovery, healing, and growth.

Whether you're seeking inspiration, tools for personal growth, or a deeper connection within yourself, the Paddle Forward Podcast is here to support you. I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube podcast channel or follow me on your podcast platform of choice, where my vibrant community awaits. Together, we'll embark on this transformative journey, supporting and uplifting one another as we paddle forward towards a life that resonates with authenticity and fulfillment.

So, grab your metaphorical paddle, open your heart and mind, and get ready to unlock your inner power. Let's create a life that reflects who we truly are, as we embrace the concept of always moving forward.

Welcome to the Paddle Forward Podcast. Let the journey begin!

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Have a story to share or expertise to offer? Iā€™d love to have you on Paddle Forward: Navigating Life's Currents. Click below to learn more about becoming a guest on our podcast!


Copyright Anacani Walters 

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